Membership Packet



(membership is on a calendar year – will not be prorated)


Upon payment of the annual membership fee an attorney is allowed to withdraw books from the Law Library for one day.  Membership also allows users to access the library’s subscriptions to Westlaw and Lexis at no extra charge other than accrued print fees.  These databases can only be accessed on the library’s computers.  The revenues collected from the membership fees help to maintain the current collection, as well as to add new titles.

Attorney membership fees are as follows:

New KBA Members (1st year admitted)Free
Retired Attorneys$25.00
1 attorney$75.00
2 attorneys$100.00
3 – 5 attorneys$150.00
6 – 10 attorneys$225.00
11 – 20 attorneys$325.00
21 – 25 attorneys$400.00
26 – 50 attorneys$700.00
51(+) attorneys$900.00


The Jefferson County Public Law Library is a non-profit organization.  Your membership fees and contributions to JCPLL help to ensure the availability of current legal reference materials and improve computer technology.  Please consider giving.

Please Remit Payment To:

Jefferson County Public Law Library

Submission of the signed application implies that you have read, understood and agreed to abide by the enclosed library rules.


Law Library Hours

8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday (Closed Saturdays and Sundays)

NOTE: County and state officials are permitted reasonable access to the law library on Saturdays, upon request, by prior arrangement with the director. 

Who May Use The Law Library?

The Jefferson County Public Law Library is open to anyone interested in using the materials contained within.  However, checkout privileges are extended only to the practicing bar with current library membership.  In addition, only current library members may obtain access to subscription legal databases at no extra charge.  Non-members are subject to a fee.

Membership:  January 1 – December 31

Membership is a prerequisite for checking out books.  If you have recently been admitted to the Kentucky Bar Association or have never had membership at JCPLL, you need to provide a copy of your Bar Card and Driver’s License with the membership payment.

The attorney assumes full responsibility for materials checked out in his/her name.

So concludes the membership rules of the Jefferson County Public Law Library.

Have a question? Get in touch with us.